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Beyond Amazing - Mini Spa, Breathwork & Soundbath
Beyond Amazing - en 120 min guidet Breathwork, Meditations & Soundbath event inkl. ansigtsmaske og selvmassage med GuaSha sten ved poolen på Amazing Space Find ægte ro midt i livets travlhed, når vi inviterer dig til at deltage i en fordybende og foryngende mini-spa, åndedræts og meditationsoplevelse på Amazing Space, aftens vært er Pernille Lotus fra Beyond Breath. Rejsen hjem Tag på en transformativ rejse, når vi guider dig gennem øjeblikke af indre kraft, stilhed og mindfulness. Beyond Breath's, åndedræt og meditationsinstruktør Pernille Lotus, vil lede sessioner designet til at dyrke indre fred, reducere stress og fremme generel velvære. Nyd omgivelserne ved poolen under d'Angleterre hotel, i og stearinlysets skær. Eventet indeholder Mini-ansigts spa: 25 min guidet selv-mini-ansigtsbehandling med maske og GuaSha. Åndedrætsteknikker: 30 min dybe og kraftfulde åndedrætsøvelser for at centrere dit sind og genoplive din ånd. Guidede meditationer inkl. Soundbath fra krystalbowler: 25 min meditation, fordyb dig i den beroligende kadence af guidede meditationer skræddersyet til afslapning og selvopdagelse. Under meditationen vil Pernille spille på de unikke krystalbowler, hvis frekvens går ind og healer hvert et chakra i din krop. Deltag i denne rejse for at opdage den fred, der bor indeni. Omfavn sindsro og gå på en vej til selvopdagelse og fornyelse... Namaste, Beyond Breath & Amazing Space
FromDKK 1,395/ guest
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Breathwork & Meditation
*A Guided Breathwork Experience. * “Release the stress, immerse yourself in the present moment, and reconnect with your inner self. “* Our Breathwork session is an invitation to experience deep relaxation, inner peace, and renewed energy. In our session, you will be guided on a heart-opening journey where presence takes center stage, allowing you the opportunity to dive deep into your inner core. Breathwork serves as the key to stepping out of the constant stream of racing thoughts and opens the door to a deeper connection with your authentic self. During the session, you will witness the release of stress and tension, the opportunity to let go of suppressed emotions, and emerge with a sense of revitalized energy and mental clarity.” *Why Breathwork? * Every time you breathe you change. On every breath your mind and body speeds up and your heart pumps faster. Små adrenaline a cortisol a. On every exhale the opposite happens; your mind and body slows down and your heart pumps a little slower. Hormones that promote rest and digest are released and your parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This is your life - a constant flux between speeding up and slowing down. As we progress through life, we accumulate stress, pain and emotional blockages in our body, mind and nervous system. Ta a a. -. Breathwork helps bring back balance by activating the full range of our nervous system. We bring back the flexibility of our range of emotions, which opens up for the body to release stuck energy and emotional blockages. Our racing mind gets quietted - and we are able to connect freely with our true self - not conditioned by any life accumulations. This state of deep awareness is a healing state of being. Elektriciteit in de synapses van de brainen aligns met magnetische field van de pumpen - formeren en hoger body-mind coherency. This regulates a lot of important and vital processes; from reducing blood pressure, stimulating metabolism, improving the immune system, transporting oxygen and balancing the ph value of the body. Weekly Classes. Come as you are. Stressed, overwhelmed, or exhausted. Everyone is welcome to participate. No prior breathwork experience is required. *What can you expect from a Breathwork session? * “Release the stress, immerse yourself in the present, and reconnect with your inner self. Our Breathwork session is an invitation to experience deep relaxation, inner peace and renewed energy. In our session, you will be guided on a heart-opening journey where presence takes center stage, allowing you to dive deep into your inner core. Breathing work serves as the key to stepping out of the constant stream of stressful thoughts and opens the door to a deeper connection with your authentic self. During the session, you will experience the release of stress and tension, the opportunity to let go of repressed emotions and come out of it with a feeling of revitalized energy and mental clarity.” *Why Breathwork? * Every time you breathe, you change. With each breath, your mind and body accelerate, and your heart beats faster. Small amounts of adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are released and your sympathetic nervous system is activated. With each exhalation, the opposite happens; your mind and body slow down, and your heart beats a little slower. Hormones that promote rest and digestion are released and your parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This is your life - a constant alternation between acceleration and deceleration. As we move through life, we accumulate stress, pain and emotional blockages in our body, mind and nervous system. This accumulation often results in a shift and imbalance in which we become more activated in our sympathetic nervous system - also known as the fight-or-flight nervous system. Respiratory work helps restore balance by activating our entire nervous system. We regain the flexibility of our emotional register, which opens up the possibility for the body to release pent-up energy and emotional blockages. Our railing minds become quiet, and we are able to freely connect with our true selves - not conditioned by life accumulations. This state of deep consciousness is a healing state. The electricity in the brain's synapses matches the magnetic field from the pulsating heart - thus forming a higher body-mind coherence. This regulates many important and vital processes; from lowering blood pressure, stimulating metabolism, improving the immune system, transporting oxygen and balancing the body's pH. Breathwork & Meditation *has countless benefits for both body and mind, among others: * Lowers your physical and mental stress level Improve your sleep Boosts O2 and lowers CO2 (acid/base) balance in the body, thereby boosting the immune system Stimulates the body's largest lymphatic organ (the lungs) and therefore acts purifying Gets you out of your head and down your body Loosens stiffened “blockades” (emotions) in body and mind Gives you a deeper connection with yourself, allowing you to make clearer choices for your life Increases your quality of life
FromDKK 95/ guest
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Breathwork & Meditation at d'Angleterre Hotel
A Guided Breathwork Experience in Palmehaven or LouisXVI. "Release the stress, immerse yourself in the present moment, and reconnect with your inner self." Our Breathwork session is an invitation to experience deep relaxation, inner peace, and renewed energy. In our session, you will be guided on a heart-opening journey where presence takes center stage, allowing you the opportunity to dive deep into your inner core. Breathwork serves as the key to stepping out of the constant stream of racing thoughts and opens the door to a deeper connection with your authentic self. During the session, you will witness the release of stress and tension, the opportunity to let go of suppressed emotions, and emerge with a sense of revitalized energy and mental clarity." Why Breathwork? Everytime you breathe you change... On every inhale your mind and body speeds up and your heart pumps faster. Small amounts of adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are released and your sympathetic nervous system is activated. On every exhale the opposite happens; your mind and body slows down and your heart pumps a little slower. Hormones that promote rest and digest are released and your parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This is your life - a constant flux between speeding up and slowing down. As we progress through life, we accumulate stress, pain and emotional blockages in our body, mind and nervous system. This accumulation often results in a shift and unbalance towards being more activated in our sympathetic nervous system. - which is also known as the fight and flight nervous system. Breathwork helps bring back balance by activating the full range of our nervous system. We bring back the flexibility of our range of emotions, which opens up for the body to release stuck energy and emotional blockages. Our racing mind gets quietted - and we are able to connect freely with our true self - not conditioned by any life accumulations. This state of deep awareness is a healing state of being. The electricity in the synapses of the brain aligns with the magnetic field of the pumping heart - forming a higher body-mind coherency. This regulates a lot of important and vital processes; from reducing blood pressure, stimulating metabolism, improving the immune system, transportation of oxygen and balancing the ph-value of the body. Classes on every second Sundays at d'Angleterre Hotel. Come as you are. Stressed, overwhelmed, or exhausted. Everyone is welcome to participate. No prior experience breathwork is required. Cancellation policy: We reserve the right to cancel 72 hours before the session if there are too few registrations. Your cancellation must be made at least 24 hours prior to the session; otherwise, 100% of the fee will be charged. Unfortunately we can’t refund, but we can open up for the next available session, and offer you a space. Read this: Contraindications that are not safe to practice Breathwork with: Cardiovascular disease (angina, previous heart attacks, or strokes) Detached retina. Glaucoma. If you're someone who has a history of seizures (Epilepsy), you might also want to avoid breathwork. If your nervous system is under a great deal of pressure or if you suffer from anxiety attacks, please understand that deep breathwork can trigger this.
FromDKK 225/ guest
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Breathwork w. live DJ and Aura Dione, d'Angleterre
Hvad kan du forvente af en denne unikke Breathwork & Meditations session akkompagneret af live DJ Alexander Brown og den fantastiske sangerinde Aura Dione, i smukke Palmehaven på Hotel d'Angleterre? "Slip stressen, fordyb dig i nuet og genetabler forbindelsen med din indre power. Lad live musikken tage dig på endnu dybere rejse ind i dig selv..." Denne musikalske Breathwork & Meditations session er en invitation til at genopdage din indre power! Under Breathwork vil vi tage dig igennem både powerfulde og rolige sekvenser, disse vil have en både fysisk og mental effekt på de fleste... En powerfuld BW session kan få dig ud af hovedet og ned i kroppen, samt fjerne følelsesmæssige blokeringer og bane vejen for en indre fred og lede fornyet energi. I vores session vil du blive guidet på en hjerteåbnende rejse, hvor nærvær står i centrum, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at dykke dybt ind i din indre kerne. Åndedrætsarbejde og meditation ud fra "nuet" fungerer som nøglen til at træde ud af den konstante strøm af stressende tanker og åbner døren til en dybere forbindelse med dit autentiske selv. Under sessionen vil du opleve frigivelsen af stress og spændinger, muligheden for at give slip på undertrykte følelser og komme ud af det med en følelse af revitaliseret energi og mental klarhed. Lige denne Breathwork session vil tage dig på en endnu dybere oplevelse ind i dit indre da live musikken og Auras smukke vokal vil akkompagnere din rejse "hjem i dig selv". Breathwork & Meditation, samt live musik, har utallige fordele for både krop og sind, bl.a: Sænker dit fysiske og mentale stress niveau Forbedre din søvn Booster O2 og sænker CO2 (syre/base) balancen i kroppen og booster derved immunsystemet Stimulerer kroppens største lymfeorgan (lungerne) og virker derfor udrensende Får dig ud af hovedet og ned i kroppen Løsner stivnede "blokader" (følelser) i krop og sind Giver dig en dybere connection med dig selv, så du kan træffe klarere valg for dit liv Øger din livskvalitet
FromDKK 399/ guest
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About Beyond Breath

beyond breath - more information to come.